Natural Area of ​​the Lagoon and Dunes of Traba

Costa da Morte » Laxe

The Natural Area of ​​Traba consists of a narrow coastal lagoon, rich in flora and fauna, a dune strand and a beach about 2 kilometers long. The whole, settled in the Valley of Traba, is surrounded by the mountain formations or rocks of Traba.

The environmental value of the whole was officially recognized when it was declared in 1990 "natural space". In it you can find great variety of animal and vegetal species characteristic of these biotypes. But if for some reason the Natural Area of ​​Traba arouses special interest is due to the great variety of unusual species that visit it during migratory movements.

The process of forming a coastal lagoon, the phases of formation of a dune strand, ornithology and fishing and hunting refuges are just a few examples of topics to be covered during the guided tour.

Dates: From Monday to Friday, with availability of weekend on request

Hours: On request

Duration: 2 hours

Guide: Yes

Price: Free

No of places: No limit