Dombate Dolmen

This megalithic monument was acquired by the Deputación of A Coruña in public document on Sept. 11th, 1975
Dombate Dolmen
Dombate Dolmen
Provincial heritage
Costa da Morte » Cabana de Bergantiños

In this megalithic monument there are two overlapping tumulus: a recent mound of 24 meters in diameter and 1.8 meters in height that has a long polygonal chamber of seven orthostats, open to the exterior through a three stretches corridor, facing east, highly differentiated in both plant and elevation. This corridor, which was covered by a slate as a door, continues to the outside through a corridor.

Both the camera and the corridor, present important remains of art, whether recorded or painted. It is an old tumulus of 10.5 meters in diameter and 1 meter in height, with an internal structure formed by a chamber of nine orthostats open to the east, which was entered via a well-like passageways.

This megalithic monument was acquired by the Deputación of A Coruña in public document on Sept. 11th, 1975

PDF Catalogue (11 MB) : "El dolmen de dombate: Arqueología, Arquitectura y Conservación"


SUMMER FREE VISITS: from 1st June to 30th September, every day of the week during the summer from 09:00 am to 09:00 pm

SUMMER GUIDED VISITS: from 1st July to 15th September. Monday to Sunday from 11:00 am to 02:00 pm and from 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm.

                           Guided tours every 30 minutes: starting the first one at 11:00 am and the last one at 07:30 pm.


In July: Fridays 9 and 23 at 11:00 pm.

In August: Fridays 6 and 20 at 11:00 pm.

With the collaboration of the Cabana de Bergantiños City Council.

Telephone contacts:

- Attention to the public / guide: 672 435 736

- Dolmen de Dombate Archaeological Center: 618 575 481

- Cabana de Bergantiños Town Hall (morning hours): 981 75 40 20


  • The entrance to the places must be done with a mask that each person must wear, except for children under 6 years.
  • Distance rules are compulsory and the maximum capacity indicated for each venue must be respected.
  • There is hydroalcoholic gel at your disposal.

The visitor assistance services offered by the A Coruña Provincial Council are free.

Additional Information: Heritage and Contracting Service. Phone: +34 981 080 314 / +34 981 080 300.